Looking for fun activities for your kids? - Capital E has lots of things happening!

From Capital E

Ngā Taniwha o Mua

Explore Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington harbour) legend of taniwha, Ngake and Whātaitai, with your tamariki in our latest play activation, Ngā Taniwha o Mua. Tamariki can learn about the history of Te Whanganui-a-Tara and follow the journey of its creation through the taniwha. The play space includes a large interactive magnet mural to bring the Te Whanganui-a-Tara seascape to life, a maunga for tamariki to climb, stepping-stones, costumes and a low-sensory space with jellyfish floating above tamariki.

Read about all their programmes here


Wondering what's going to happen to the David Jones building on Lambton Quay?


Interested in an affordable inner-city rental apartment? Bookings to view Te Kāinga apartments closing soon!