Kia ora!
Would you like to sign up for our free eNewsletters?
Do you have questions about the inner-city?
Are you living in an earthquake-prone building?
Do you want to know about key developments shaping the future of the city?
Are you interested in helping us?
Are you wanting to share your feedback about what you’ve seen here?
Or maybe you have some ideas or issues you think we should consider?
You’ve come to the right page!
Contact us:
You can use our online form (below) and we’ll be back in touch, or drop us an email instead at
phone: O274 448 463Sign up for our free eNewsletters:
As well as the news we share here and also on our Facebook page, we regularly publish newsletters about some of the interesting things happening in our part of the city, or about our work.You can subscribe to receive our Newsletter here.
(this form also gives you a way to let us know if you’d like to be financial member)Help us:
We’re an Incorporated Society which means we have financial members. The fees are below
Having financial members helps us to do our work - for example, to organise community events, or engage in Council consultations, including writing submissions, You don’t have to be a financial member to be part of the ICW whānau - but if you are, you will be able to vote at our AGM and help shape our future.
Or you can donate to help us with our work (we are not gst registered).
How to become an ICW financial member:
The fees are (we are not gst-registered):
$30 per annum for residents, residential property owners and non-profit organisations
$60 per annum for Body Corporates and other organisations
Please pay through Internet Banking:
Account: Wellington Innercity Residents and Business Association
Bank: Kiwibank
Account number: 38-9009-0259490-00
Please put your first name and last name in the Particulars Code and Reference fields.
And email us if you would like a receipt and we will email this through.
Thank you !
Other ways you can help us:
Come and join our ICW committee
And/or help us to organise a community session - it could be a talk or a workshop for example.
And/or perhaps contribute your time or expertise about a specific topic or project.
And/or help us with a donation to fund something that will help us make the inner-city of Wellington the best it can be.