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About us

ICW was created to help represent the needs and interests of the diversity of people living in Wellington's inner-city. We aim to help our residents to connect with each other in order to support local community building and resiliency. And we want to help to connect the inner-city community and public authorities to support effective planning and consultation.

Read this Stuff interview with our Chairperson, Stephen King.


Our patch is now the largest suburb in Wellington in terms of population on the smallest area of land and with this comes many challenges associated with the critical lack of green space and community amenities. ICW works hard towards ensuring our community has the infrastructure necessary to provide sustainable living environments which will support the health and wellbeing of our residents.

We seek to:

  1. Promote sustainable development perspectives that advance the social, environmental and economic aspects of the inner-city and of the wider city as appropriate

  2. Foster local advocacy by representing and acting as an advocate for the interests of the inner-city community

  3. Build a community-driven organisation with the capacity to realise its mission

  4. Do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment and furtherance of the above objects and any other charitable purposes under New Zealand law which the organisation deems appropriate.


Our committee members are:

  • Committee Chair: Stephen King

  • Committee Secretary/Treasurer: Toni Weir

  • Committee members: Jill Wilson, Andrew Flanagan, Peter Hughes-Hallett, Richard Norman

  • Associate: Earthquake-Prone Buildings Spokesperson: Geraldine Murphy

  • Associate: VUWSA Representatives: Marcail Parkinson (President), Hana Pilkinton-Ching (Vice President Engagement)

  • Associate: Community: Trish Given

  • Associated community: Flagstaff Residents Association


About our annual Founding Day

Every year, we hold our annual Founding Day. This is an opportunity to talk about some of the city’s priorities and challenges that ICW has tackled throughout the year, acknowledge the work of people who have gone the extra mile, and also to invite speakers to share their unique perspectives.

Our Founding Day celebrations also include the presentation of awards. See the summary of awards here

  • Annual Founding Day 2023

    Our 2023 Founding Day event was held on Thursday 7 December 2023. Our theme was ‘What do we love about Wellington” and our guest speaker was well-known columnist and writer, Dave Armstrong. See more about the event here.

  • Annual Founding Day 2022
    The 2022 Founding Day event was held on Wednesday 7 December 2022. Our theme was “Imagineering the Future”. The guest speaker was Hon Tory Whanau, newly appointed Mayor of Wellington. See more about the event here.

  • Annual Founding Day 2021
    The 2021 Founding Day event was held on Friday 12 November 2021 featuring two guest speakers - The Hon Grant Robertson - who was one of the original founders of Inner City Wellington, and Chris Moller - a well-known and respected Wellington-based architect. See more about the event here.