Be quick! What's your future Wellington? ...The Council would love your feedback (by this Sunday 1 May)

From WCC website

What's your Wellington future?
We've developed a draft strategy to enhance how Wellingtonian's can live, work and play in the city.

Wellington is a dynamic city with a resilient, innovative, and low carbon economy that provides opportunities for all and protects our environment.

About the Strategy

Over the past two years, we've seen significant changes to the way we work. Working from home is changing visitation and spending habits, while border closures have exacerbated staff shortages, and the global impact is affecting supply chains. This has placed many businesses under pressure and compelled many people to think about how we live and how we do business.

While we have ambitious economic goals for Wellington, we are conscious that we need to set a clear and specific direction. This draft strategy identifies six strategic outcomes for the city to focus on for the next 10 years.

  • Sustainable business and career pathways

  • Transitioning to a circular economy

  • A business-friendly city

  • Centre of creativity and digital innovation

  • Celebrate our Capital City status

  • A dynamic city heart and thriving suburban centres

Deadline: Due to the timing of the public holidays, we have extended the submission close date to 9pm Sunday 1 May 2022.

More info and feedback link here


The Council's long term plan shapes our future - have your say! (feedback needed by 15 May)


Why not come along to this public talk - "Doing density well in central Wellington" - Thursday 5 May