Wellington is well-known as a walkable city. But the inner-city is growing in population and density and for many residents who need to travel in and out of the central city each day for work, or for study, or for recreation, a flexible and affordable transport system is essential.
ICW is interested in how the city’s transport system is positioned now and for the future so that residents can choose from a range of options - including walking, cycling, taking the bus, using shared on-demand car services and more.
Contact us if you have suggestions for this page or are interested in more information.
Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM)
This is a long-term, multi-faceted major transport plan which is described as “Working with the people of Wellington to improve our transport and create a more liveable city.”
Rapid Mass Transport
Consultation closed in late 2021 on this part of the theplan which has the following goals:
“More people will be able to live centrally, close to where they work or study. Getting around will be safer, easier, and healthier, without relying on cars. You’ll have higher-quality and more reliable public transport, walking and cycling options. There’ll be better and more frequent connections between the region, the hospital and airport, and between the central city and the suburbs.”
Central city walking improvements
The Council has described the goals of this work as follows:
“We’re planning small intersection changes on Wellington city streets to make it safer, quicker and easier to:
cross, and get to and from the waterfront. This will also encourage more people to get around the city by walking and to move more people with fewer vehicles.”
Paneke Pōneke - Bike Network Plan
Paneke Pōneke updates the 2015 Cycleways Masterplan and its goals include the following:
“Our goal is to be a city where it’s easy for people of all ages and abilities to choose low or zero carbon transport options. Where kids can get themselves to school in ways that are great for their health and the environment. Where people can easily choose to live without a car if they want, and where our suburban streets are quiet, safe places.
Creating a citywide network of connected bike and scooter routes in tandem with walking improvements and big public transport changes will make that possible.”
Councillors will consider the overall network of routes, along with feedback from the community, in March 2022.
Golden Mile Improvements
The Council is aiming to transform the Golden Mile to move more people with fewer vehicles, creating space for thriving and attractive streets in the heart of Wellington.