Want to help clean up the neighbourhood?

There are some wonderful people in apartment buildings and residences across the inner-city that we call our “ICW Clean Up Crews”.

They head out with their trusty ICW Clean Up Kit (a pickup stick, flouro vest, gloves and bucket) to check their gutters, street, local bushes and alleyways and pick up the litter. Some do it as a fun and educational ‘litter hunters’ activity with their whānau; some add it as part of their regular walks and dog walks; some do it just because they want to help keep their neighbourhood looking good.

We’d love to help create more Clean Up Crews because (sadly) people still love dropping litter in the inner-city.

If you are interested let us know and we’ll be in touch! And … we’ll supply the Clean Up Kit for free!
Here are the results of a recent resident’s work.! Thank you :)


2025 - what’s happening with the Golden Mile?


Happy New Year - we’ve survived to 2025 and now it’s time to thrive!