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Wellington City Proposed District Plan Hearing Stream 1 –
Part 1, plan wide matters and strategic direction Section 42A of the Resource Management Act 1991

REPORT FOR: Independent Hearings Panel
SUBJECT: Wellington City Proposed District Plan – Part 1, plan wide matters and strategic direction S42a Report
PREPARED BY: Adam McCutcheon Andrew Wharton
REPORT DATED: 20 January 2023
DATE OF HEARING: 21 February 2023

Click to open the report (PDF)

Extract from executive summary:

  1. This report considers submissions received by Wellington City Council in relation to matters of strategic or procedural importance to the Proposed Wellington City District Plan, ‘Part 1 – Introduction and General Provisions’ and the ‘Strategic Direction’ Chapters 2.

  2. There were many submissions and further submissions received on these topics and chapters of the plan. The submissions received were diverse and sought a range of outcomes. The report outlines recommendations in response to the issues that have emerged from these submissions.

  3. The following are considered to be the key issues in contention:
    a. allocation of plan provisions in ISPP and the Part One, Schedule One process;
    b. classification of the Johnsonville Railway line is respect of ‘rapid transit’ under the NPSUD; c. size of walkable catchments in the implementation of Policy 3 of the NPS-UD;
    d. Amendments and deletions to various definitions and strategic objectives.

  4. This report addresses each of these key issues, as well as any other relevant issues raised in the submissions.

  5. The report includes recommendations to address matters raised in submissions as to whether the provisions in the Proposed District Plan relating to these matters should be retained as notified, amended, or deleted in full.

Click to open the report (PDF)


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