Don't miss the chance to shape the city's future - give feedback on the Proposed District Plan

From Scoop website:
After the feedback, submissions: next stage of process to change District Plan

Public submissions on Wellington City’s Proposed District Plan are now open following the official notification of the Plan yesterday. Submissions are open until 5pm on Monday 12 September.

At the end of last year Wellingtonians provided feedback on the Draft District Plan’s policies, rules and design guides to manage development of our city.

There have been a number of changes from the Draft District Plan due to the feedback, the Government’s new rules on medium-density housing and changes from last month’s Council committee meeting to approve the Plan.

Rules for identified Significant Natural Areas not in residential zones, identified heritage listings, and most of the Medium Density Residential Standards now have legal effect following notification of the Plan.

The Proposed District Plan and information about how to make a submission is available online at There are also printed copies in libraries.

Read the full story here


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