Heard what's happening at the Kaiwharawhara Ferry Precinct re-development? - more info here

From Wellington Ferry Precinct eNewsletter

We expect to start ‘enabling’ work on the new terminal precinct in  August so you can expect to see more activity around the site. Workers will be getting the site ready for the main construction works which are scheduled to begin early next year.

We’ll be implementing the best practicable options to minimise noise during these early works and will keep in contact with nearby residents. 

Meet the team

As we move into the delivery phase of the project, the team working on this awesome project will be ready to chat with you and answer your questions at our 13 July community drop-in. 

You’ll be able to experience an interactive digital walk-through of the concept designs of the new terminal precinct, check out the designs for our new custom-built, hybrid electric ferries which arrive from 2025, and find out how we are protecting the environment and making the terminal seismic and climate-change resilient.  

Come and kōrero with the team working on this exciting project and our Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika and Ngāti Toa Rangatira partners.  

  • Wednesday 13 July
    12.30pm – 3pm
    Pipitea Marae, 55-59 Thorndon Quay, Wellington

Read more here


Quick! Have your say! Greater Wellington wants community views on public transport fares


Have you seen the latest Golden Mile plans? You can have your say now