Looking for Lotteries funding? The Lottery Community fund is open

From website


22 June - 20 July 2022

Lottery Community grants are available for not-for-profit organisations with a community or social service focus for ongoing operating costs or projects which help improve the quality of people’s lives in their communities.

Guidelines for Wellington/Wairarapa area funding

Support will be given to service providers that demonstrate collaboration, are actively engaged and contributing to the following social outcomes in their community:

  • Tamariki/children and Rangatahi/young people are empowered, inspired and engaged.

  • At risk / excluded communities are connected and thriving.

  • Wellbeing and connectedness within communities is enhanced.

  • Māori, Pasifika and Ethnic Communities are empowered, connected and achieving their aspirations.

  • Lower priority will be given to:

    • organisations who are financially well resourced (unless exceptional circumstances apply).

    • requests for events that are not programme related.

    • organisations who do not demonstrate wider community benefit beyond their membership.

Read about the funding here


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