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Want to help clean up your part of town? Sustainability Trust has equipment that might help

Community clean-up

The Sustainability Trust asks Are you sick of seeing rubbish on the streets of Wellington? Yeah, we are too! That’s why we run a monthly community street clean where anyone can get involved with cleaning up our awesome streets.

On the third Wednesday of every month, around 12 noon, the Sustainability Trust runs a street cleanup initiative where you can go to their premises in Forrester Lane, pick up a litter picker-upper stick (plus a bucket and gloves) and head out to the nearby inner-city streets to pick up litter. Why not give it a go?

“We'll spend roughly an hour out on the streets and waterfront with our litter pickers making the pavements a waste-free zone. You're welcome to join us for as little or as long as you like, just pop along to Sustainability Trust HQ @ 12 pm and do your bit to help make Welly waste-free. The more hands the merrier!”

Read more here


When not being used, they are really keen for their Street Clean Kit of:

  • 18 litter pickers

  • 20 pairs of gloves

  • 3 x high vis vests

  • plus buckets that can be borrowed depending on demand.

to be available for other community groups to use.

The folks at the Trust say “people are very welcome to get in contact with me if they want to borrow! Must be picked up and returned to the trust noting that the ONLY day I use the kit is on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.”

Contact: customersupport@sustaintrust.org.nz