Want to have a say on rates and spending? - the Council is asking for your feedback

From Wellington City Council

Have your say on rates and spending

Wellington City Council has begun consulting on its plans for the coming year, with a focus on the city’s resilience, funding core infrastructure and a sustainable future for the Council’s social housing.

The proposed 2022-23 Annual Plan and amendments to the 2021-31 Long-term Plan were approved unanimously at today’s meeting of the Council’s Pūroro Maherehere Annual Plan-Long-term Plan Committee. 

They feature two key items on which the Council wants feedback – how the Council’s social housing should be funded and the operating model for it, and the future of the Southern Landfill. 

Read more here

Submit submissions here


Wondering what the Council is seeking feedback about? - check out its Kōrero Mai Lets Talk site


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