Read about the City Nature Challenge - citizen science in action - could Wellington be the winner?

From Wellington City Council

The City Nature Challenge is a worldwide annual citizen science initiative taking place from 29 April - 2 May

Wellington City Council are getting behind the challenge more than ever this year, we would love to encourage you to do so as well. Can we be the winning city in New Zealand this year? Our aim is to have as many Wellingtonians as possible, making observations out in nature.

 Cities compete to see which one can log the most nature observations on iNaturalist over the four-day period.

 Getting involved is easy!

Here are a few ways you and your group can support Wellington in the City Nature Challenge this year:

  • Get involved on your own or encourage your family, friends, organisation, or group to act during the challenge. Download iNaturalist and get out in nature to start making observations. Once you are set up, Join our Wellington project group.

  • Host a BioBlitz or event to promote the City Nature Challenge to your people over the long weekend

  • Reach out for support to host a ‘Train the trainer’ workshop or ‘Book a Naturalist’ to come to your event, by sending us an email.

  • Join in or promote one of our ‘Junior Nature Days’ these school holidays, by following our Event on Facebook:

All observations recorded within the Wellington City Council boundary during the Challenge will automatically be added to Wellington’s tally. You can keep an eye on Wellington’s results on the project page, and the progress other cities are making here.

 Find out more

Learn more about the challenge at or click here to read Lara’s Te Papa wrap up of the 2021 challenge.

We’d love to hear about your plans or what this campaign means to you. Send us an email at to share your stories and photos! And don’t forget to tag @wgtncc in your social media posts to show off your amazing photos.


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