Today - Friday 4 March - is PARK(ing) Day - Find Picnic in Parks in Cuba Street

From Scoop story

Car Parks on Cuba Street will be that in name only on Friday the 4th March – for one day 30 parks will be transformed into something quite different

Every year over an 8-hour period 20-30 car parks in Cuba Street are taken over by the Wellington Sculpture Trust for PARK(ing) Day. The event is an opportunity for Wellingtonians to enjoy a huge variety of activities and creative installations placed on spaces usually reserved for cars. Over the eight years it has been running, hundreds of individuals and organisations have taken up the challenge to provide a temporary public space one car park at a time in Wellington’s most vibrant precinct.

Read the full story here


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Friday 4 March is PARK(ing) Day ! Find Picnic in Parks in the mix in Cuba Street