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Imagining Decolonisation wānanga - registrations open on 8 Feb

Imagining Decolonisation Wānanga coming to Pōneke

A 3-day wānanga happening in Pōneke this month will be the setting for a think-tank, a call to action, workshops and kōrero around decolonisation in Aotearoa.

The event based at Toi Pōneke Arts Centre and Wharewaka Function Centre will bring together academics, students, artists, writers, treaty workers, activists, politicians and change makers to discuss and create steps towards what an equitable future in a decolonised Aotearoa could look like.

Participants of all ages and nationalities with some knowledge of Te Tiriti are invited to attend.

The event/wānanga can go ahead at Red under strict COVID guidelines, but numbers will be restricted and managed through the registration process.

The programme is available at toiponeke.nz and registrations open Tuesday 8 February.

One-Day and 3-Day passes will be available to buy. With capacity limited we recommend booking early if you want to attend in person, and vaccine passports are required at both venues. Some livestream and recorded sessions will also be offered

Visit toiponeke.nz for more information.