Want to know who's requesting an alcohol licence ? There's a map!
An easier way to find alcohol licence requests
When someone applies for an alcohol licence, the public has the right to object if they feel it’s in the wrong place or might affect their neighbourhood in some way. Information about the applications is available on the Council’s website, but the Council has just made it easier to find the requests - because now there’s a map!
From WCC
Wellington City Council has just introduced a new feature on our website which allows community members to view a map of alcohol licence applications. The map shows both new applications and renewals in their public notice period.
You can view the map here – scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link for a larger map view if you prefer. The map allows you to zoom into your neighbourhood – or search for a particular location.
This is an initial version of the map – the Council team is working on a more fully featured map to be launched in the new year. W
e hope community members and groups find this new feature useful, and to help us develop the best user experience please feedback via the link directly above the map.
You can also sign up for email notifications of alcohol licence applications received over the past week here.