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Noticed the Willis Street roadworks? This is what's happening next

The folks at Fulton Hogan have advised the following:

”We should be finishing work on the southbound [uphill] side of the road (Willis Street) and starting on the northbound [downhill] side on Friday 28 January.

This is an indicator that we’re tracking along nicely and currently on schedule. We will start on the kerb and channel, so footpath access will be available at all times. The work area extends from the corner of Willis/Dixon to the end of the loading zone by bus stop 7708 – which will remain closed. 

The change is work location does mean a change in traffic management – the overall set up will remain the same, with southbound [uphill] traffic being detoured during work hours, but northbound [downhill] traffic will be contraflowed into the southbound lane in order to maintain the safety zone around our work site…. We are still working hard to get this job finished as quickly as possible and to get out of everyone’s way. Thank you again for your patience and cooperation as I know roadworks can be frustrating.”