Aotea Quay night roadworks extended to 9 Nov - an update from "Chewy"

Michael “Chewy” Chew from Fulton Hogan Ltd has provided the following update about the Aotea Quay roadworks.

“Although good progress is being made, the rain on Thursday night (4 Nov) last week and a plant breakdown the night before (3 Nov) has led to an extra night being added to the programme. This means we will now be working on Tuesday 9th November, as well. 

With some good weather forecast in the next few days, we are hopeful there will be no more delays and we can finish within the new schedule. We apologise for the further inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. 

A reminder that Aotea Quay southbound slip lane will remain open at all times.

However, access to the ferry terminal and all businesses will be via a detour on Thorndon Quay and Bunny Street. Access to all businesses will be possible at all times. Please follow the directions of our Traffic Management team. 

There will be no access to the SH Northbound. There will be a detour down Bunny Street and Thorndon Quay.”


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