Super Saturday Vaxathon - it was a big day for getting the jab

New Zealand’s first-ever ‘Vaxathon’ will take place this weekend on ‘Super Saturday’ (16 October) – a national day of action that calls on every remaining eligible New Zealander to get their shot.

“Everyone across the motu has a role to play to protect Aotearoa/New Zealand against COVID-19 by getting vaccinated, and we’re calling for a massive collective effort to make this happen," says Tamati Sheppard-Wipiiti, Group Manager of Equity for the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 Vaccine and Immunisation Programme. Read the Scoop article here to find out more and more information about the events in town here.


Rangatahi - a Youth Hub hui happened on Friday 15 October


Missed your veggies? Welcome back to the Harbourside Market!