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Heard about the city's 'Food Action Plan' ? - what happens in an emergency? info here

From WCC News

Food for thought with Council’s new Action Plan

From farm to fork and back again, the plan is designed for every part of the food system to be resilient for generations to come. This includes how to approach the growing, processing, transporting, distributing, and consumption of food, and the disposal of food waste.    

The Action Plan is part of Te Atakura First to Zero framework and aligns with the Tūpiki Ora strategy. It is an integrated, coordinated, approach across Council to support food systems’ shifts in business-as-usual workstreams.  

Emphasised throughout is the importance of partnership on many levels – within Council, regional and central government partners, iwi, and private partners and communities – to fully activate this system shift. 

To create more resilient communities and systems to ensure everyone gets fed is a big commitment, and one the Council is taking seriously with its many partners, says Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon.

The main focus areas are:  

  • Everyone in Wellington has dignified and secure access to nutritious and culturally appropriate food.

  • We have the whanaungatanga, community resilience, and planning in place to respond effectively to emergencies.

  • Mana Whenua and Māori are activating kai and soil sovereignty in relation to the cultural landscapes.

  • Wellington’s climate-responsible food culture and system is reversing the effects of climate change.

  • We enable a lively and prosperous local food economy.

 Read the full story here