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What do you think about vaping? The government would like your feedback

From RNZ story

Government seeking feedback on proposed measures to crack down on youth vaping

What's being proposed?

  • Location restrictions: new rules about where specialist vape shops can be located, so they are not near places like schools and sports grounds. This would not apply to general vape retailers like dairies and petrol stations, which are already limited to the sale of three vape flavours.

  • Flavour names: Restricting vape flavour names to reduce their attractiveness to young people. For example, flavour names like 'cotton candy' and 'gummy bears' may no longer be allowed, with a generic term 'candy' having to be used instead.

  • Packaging: Limiting vaping liquids and product packaging to a description of the product's flavour

Read the government proposal


From Ministry of Health website

How to have your say - The closing date for submissions is 5.00 pm, Wednesday 15 March 2023.

You can provide feedback in one of two ways.

1. Use this online tool. This is our preferred way for you to provide feedback.

You can answer all the questions or just a few. If you would prefer to answer a few short questions, you can make a Simple submission.

Have your say - view the online consultation

2. Send an electronic submission to smokefree2025@health.govt.nz using our downloadable Microsoft Word template.

If you have any issues with the template, please email us at smokefree2025@health.govt.nz.