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What's the latest plan for the Newtown to City cycleway? Info here

From 19 September 2022 WCC News

Yesterday’s decision means the Council will install:

  • 24/7 bus lanes along Adelaide Road (both directions)

  • extended hours for bus lanes on Kent Terrace and Cambridge Terrace (7am–9am and 4pm–6pm on both streets, Monday to Friday)

  • three more bus stop platforms like the ones already in place near the hospital

  • separated bike lanes on both sides of Adelaide Road and Riddiford Street, as far as Mein Street

  • a two-way bike lane between the Basin Reserve and the waterfront via Cambridge Terrace and a short section of Kent Terrace

  • closed u-turn areas on Kent and Cambridge terraces

  • ·no right turn from Cambridge Terrace into Pirie Street

  • a new signalised pedestrian crossing between the central median islands at the Vivian Street/Cambridge Terrace intersection

  • a new signalised diagonal bike crossing from Cambridge Terrace to Kent Terrace at the Courtenay Place intersection.

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