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Roadworks update - night works in Victoria Street

Latest news from “Chewy” at Fulton Hogan

“You’re probably aware that Fulton Hogan has recently been working on the Vivian St/Willis St intersection as part of the Let’s Get Wellington Moving project, specifically the Central City Pedestrian Improvements section.

We have recently finished the Willis Street intersection and are poised to start on Victoria Street tonight (Tue 7 June)

The hope is that we’ll have finished our night work by Matariki public holiday, although a lot of that will come down to weather and other factors.

The first requirement is to replace the existing kerb and channel and then relocate a traffic light pole to adhere to the new kerb line.

These parts of the project have to be carried out at night due to their location on the State Highway [Vivian Street] as we’re unable to close a lane during the day. Once these requirements are done, we will move on to day shift for the rest of the intersection.

 We will try to keep noise to a minimum, however, the very nature of what we do is noisy. We will perform the noisiest parts of proceedings [saw cutting, jack hammering etc] before 11pm.”