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What's that shining up on Mt Vic tonight ? (Thursday 2 June - from 9pm)

From Scoop

Wellington will be the second of 50 Commonwealth Capital Cities in the world to take part in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon event this Thursday.

The event celebrates 70 years of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign. It also marks the Queen’s 70th anniversary as New Zealand’s Head of State.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon celebration in Wellington – organised in conjunction with Rotary New Zealand – will have a uniquely Aotearoa New Zealand flavour that celebrates not only the Queen but New Zealand and New Zealanders.

The event starts shortly after 9pm on the steps to the Tangi Te Keo Mt Victoria lookout with a karakia before mana whenua ignite a torch from a beacon and ascend to the lookout.

The torch is handed to Mayor Andy Foster, and former Governors-General Sir Anand Satyanand and Sir Jerry Mateparae who are long-standing Rotarians and are representing Rotary. Together they will light the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon.

Read the full story here