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Did you miss the Live Wellington public talk about density in the city? You can catch up here

Scoop report

Arguments for a more attractive city

Responses to the future direction of Wellington’s messy and tatty urban form is bound to be a key local government election issue when voting opens in 20 weeks’ time.

A pointer to this took place (on Thursday 5 May) when St Peter’s Church hosted an occasionally fired-up public meeting on issues that greater density gives rise to. The event – organised by Live Wellington and supported by Inner City Wellington – was fronted by a panel of three: WCC councillor Tamatha Paul, GWRC councillor Dr Roger Blakeley, and environment consultant Dr Paul Blaschke.

A nominal point of focus for the meeting was to bounce ideas around that were part and parcel of the Gehl Architects report as publicised in March by its commissioner, Let’s Get Wellington Moving. The report’s key findings being that Wellington’s car traffic and parking is occupying too much valuable land which could be redesigned to support higher-density housing, greener and more public spaces, and to provide a safer and more attractive city environment.

Read the full scoop story here