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Today Te Pokapū Hapori - the Wellington City community hub - was blessed

At the crack of dawn, literally, today (Monday 2 May) the new community hub on Manners Street was blessed. It’s not quite ready to throw open its doors to the community, but that should happen in few weeks.

The Y has been contracted to run the hub, and here’s their vision for it.

Our vision for Te Pokapū Hapori
We want to create a space were people can belong, connect and find the support they need. For some, Te Pokapū Hapori could be their ‘extended living room’, for others their ‘3rd place’. At any time of the day, people can access the hub and participate in a range of ongoing activations. We will also have a range of targeted programmes that will fit under the themes of ‘active’, ‘create’ and ‘life skills’. These programmes and services will evolve as we continue to seek insights and feedback from the local community and in many cases involve partnering with local community providers through a locally led approach.

Make sure you ‘have your say’ here

Read about the hub here