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Metlink's bus fare prices will be halved - but not today, so when?

From Scoop

Not till next month: operational challenges before Metlink halves its fares

Metlink fares will be halved from early next month following the Government’s announcement that public transport fees across the country will be temporarily halved. Regional Council Chair Daran Ponter said the changes would mean the livelihoods of Wellingtonians will benefit in many ways .

Metlink General Manager Scott Gallacher said Metlink would work quickly to overcome some of the operational challenges posed by the fare reduction to ensure passengers will benefit fully.

“We’re very confident we’ll get everything up and running from the first week of April. Our network has shown in the past two covid affected years how adaptable it can be, so we know it’s possible, we just need to make sure that all aspects of the network are in an appropriate state of play.

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