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Sexual violence prevention action plan is in development

From WCC Wellington News

The sexual violence prevention action plan is being developed as part of the Pōneke Promise, a coordinated, community driven initiative to keep our city safe.

The key focus of the new action plan is primary prevention – or prevention of violence before it happens.

Members of the Wellington Alliance Against Sexual Violence (WAASV) teamed up with the Council’s Urban team to conduct an audit from Dixon Street to Courtenay Place to identify areas and features that enable a feeling of being unsafe and where potential violence could occur.

Kelly Henderson, Council’s Team Leader Centres and City Regeneration, says the Pōneke Promise Urban Regeneration team will collate the concerns, queries and suggestions gathered along the walk.

Read the full story here

  • NOTE:
    ICW is in regular contact with the Council’s Pōneke Promise team.
    Let us know if you have any questions or concerns you would like us to discuss with them.