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Info about the New Year's Day lunch at St Peter's Church, Willis Street

From Ekta

Ekta, St Peter’s Church of Willis Street and the Wellington Interfaith (WIFC) jointly host a lunch annually for the needy of Wellington on New Year’s day. 

On behalf of  Ekta,  it is our pleasure to invite you to join us at the Garden of St Peter’s Church on Willis Street on 1 Jan from about 12 noon to participate in this activity. It is a family event, so we will be delighted if you brought your families also. 

Many of the needy are also those who receive groceries and cooked food from Ekta every Saturday. Last year we had over 250 people attend this event. Besides this initiative, Ekta and WIFC are also helping out with food throughout the holiday season when many foodbanks and charities are closed.

 As we come to the end of another difficult year, may we wish you and your loved ones a very merry Xmas, and a wonderful 2022.  

Hope we get to see you on 1 Jan.
Kind regards,
Team Ekta